Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Racing backwards

Racing backwards: the shape of a life
Racing backwards through the night in a clattering train, somewhere in Holland.
He winds down the train window and flicks the crushed cigarette packet out into the swift night air.

Startled, slack-faced at the irreversibility of it, he realized he had her number written on it. 
like him – caught up in a war;
like him – drawn and attracted;
like him – lost now to that possible future,
lost to the warm kiss of re-encounter,
resuming the unexpected ease eye to eye,
the unfurling possible.

So much went out the window:
- My chance never to have existed.
- His chance to have been loved
to find in love, more solace than he did.
Fugitive, as he was,
always -
from an unpleasable father.
for not having been the one to die
when his younger brother did - aged 9,
his childishly small fishing net never disposed of.

I never knew he even had a brother til he told me this story the last time I spoke in the flesh to him

How long to hold that?
How deep must that guilty furtiveness have burrowed?

The shape of a life, like a scrunched up foil and cellophane cigarette packet
(no filter)
hurtling through the dark
landing somewhere
unknown and unknowable,
until he could speak it.

Not all at once,
but a life in short gasps;
late at night
when I would come in
and have tea with him
at the green formica table
As he wrestled with night-shift, jet-lag,
Or wrestled to console me
when I would weep,
disconsolate and inconsolable
over a maths’ problem
The solution became clear through my tears and he
filled with consternation, helplessness and wonder
would marvel at this –
where had I come from?

That cipher was our link
and the stories flowed
stolen cheese melting and smelly in the air vents as the heating came on in a mine-sweeper in Greenland
and a picture of him, all young drunk vacancy, on the toilet…
and the cigarette-packet love…

Did you fancy her? I asked
He looked then
As he must have
When it first went out the window
That chance at another life.


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